September 29, 2006,10:14 AM
Where did my URL go?
You can change the color of your text and you can make sure that your links
scream, “I’m a FREE road to where you want to go!”

But you still have to display the URL. It’s one of Google’s rules. But you don’t
have to display it in a way that people can see it.

One legitimate trick to make the click-through link less obtrusive is to change
the URL display color to match the text description color. Now the link will
blend in with the text description and the eye will be drawn to the hyperlink
instead of the URL. Google provides these tools for you. Why not use them?

Note that the 728 x 90 leaderboard and the 468 x 60 banner do not display
the url line by Google’s design. It is not a mistake and you will not get in
trouble for the url not appearing with these ad blocks. It’s just the way it is.
posted by Aadi
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September 25, 2006,10:17 PM
What are Content-Rich Sites and Why Have One?
A content-rich site is one that has lots of informative articles up at it, usually centered around a theme. Most sites can’t quite pull off being WikiPedia, so they specialize. For instance, you could do a site for dog owners. Possible articles on that site would cover:

• How to figure out what kind of dog you want
• Where to get a dog
• How to deal with a puppy
• Life stages of a dog
• House-training puppies
• Dog training
• What to feed dogs
• Whether to get more than one dog
• How to socialize dogs with other dogs and with cats
• Exercise needs of dogs
• Training dogs to do tricks
• Treating fleas
• Common dog ailments and when to go to the vet
• Dog nutrition
• Taking your dog on a trip The Google Adsense Empire Handbook
• Getting a pet sitter or boarding your dog if you don’t take him on a trip

The articles you’ll want to have on your site should be short enough so that someone can read them in about 5 minutes. This means you want to stick to articles of 250 to 750 words, with 300 to 600 words optimal. To give you an idea, a single page in a published novel has about 300 words.
Of course, your real purpose in putting up all these nice little short articles and changing them out frequently is not to just put information out into the world. It is to have a site that people will come back to so that they will see the Google AdSense ads, and click on them, and then you will get checks in the mail.
That’s a key point, so I’m going to repeat it:

The purpose of having a content-rich website is to attract people to it, again and again, so that they will see the ads and click on them.

You might think it’s lots of cool graphics and colors that make a site attractive to a visitor, but it’s really the content. In order to make money from Google AdSense, you need to grasp that concept. Believe me, you could run a wonderful advertising campaign and develop all sorts of viral marketing tools and attractive affiliate programs.
But unless your Website is content-rich, the traffic spikes that you get for your efforts will only be temporary. The very best way to attract and retain an online audience is to provide content that’s useful, valuable, informative, educational or just downright funny as hell or entertaining in some way.
What does a content-rich website look like? Here are a few examples.:

posted by Aadi
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September 23, 2006,3:41 PM
Likes and dislikes of Googlebots
What’s a Googlebot? It’s one of the little web-searching spiders (automated) that I talked about in the last section. And these spiders have definite preferences, so you want to make sure your content is good spider food.

Spiders like:

• Neat code—less lines of code than lines of text (or more lines of text than lines of codes.)

• Normal keyword densities of 3-7%.

• Lots of backlinks on pages that link back to your home page. (Top sites have an average of 300 backlinks.)

• Original content not found anywhere else.

• Quick downloads of sites, which means not a lot of dynamic URLS to other sites.

• Site maps.

• ALT Tabs for images.

• Link partners who are contextually relevant to your page (i.e., if your page is about buying real estate, links might about be how to get loans, how to prospect for deals, how to start a corporation…but not about pet gerbils, latest fashions, or cell phones.)

• New content every time the spider comes to check up on your site.

Spiders do not like:

• More lines of code than text.

• Nested tables.

• Super-high keyword densities, which they call “keyword stuffing”.

• “Doorway pages” that act as a portal and which just happen to have super-high keyword densities.

• Too many backlinks to your home page from within your domain.

• Duplicate content from another site—regardless of who stole what from whom.

• Lots of dynamic URLs that cause a site to take forever to download.

• Repeating the exact same words in your linking text, which the spider will interpret as automated link swapping. (Interestingly, it’s fine for the spiders to be fully automated, but they hate it when we do that!)

• Stale content that never changes.
posted by Aadi
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September 21, 2006,1:34 PM
Google AdWords


You will have seen AdWords in action before. They are those little text ads that
appear down the right hand side of Google’s search results. They are an
amazingly powerful method of advertising. The ads you see are 100% related to
the keywords that you type into a search. This means, that as an AdWords
advertiser you are capable of displaying your ads in front of an audience that is
already interested in your products or services. Never before have businesses
been able to conduct their advertising in such a highly targeted manner.

If your internet company rented holiday properties in Spain for example, you
could set up your AdWords ads to appear ONLY when someone typed in
keywords like “Spanish, Spain, holiday, rental, villas, apartments, properties etc.”

Of course, this all comes at a price. As an advertiser, you have to pay Google
every time somebody clicks on one of your ads. Not knowing how to cost their
system, the geniuses at Google came up with the idea of letting their advertisers
bid against each other for the value of their chosen keywords.

This means, that if I wanted my ad to be displayed the most often when
someone types the key phrase “Spanish holidays” into Google, I would have to
out bid the advertiser who currently comes top of the list for this key phrase.

The Internet has matured as a result of ppc advertising. The embarrassing days
of the Dot Coms are well and truly behind us. The value of online businesses
can now be measured because ppc advertising is a dynamic system that reflects
real-world supply and demand.

With ppc advertising, Google has enabled small online businesses to flourish,
whilst making tens of billions for themselves.
posted by Aadi
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September 19, 2006,3:42 PM
Buffering Your AdSense Income With an Email List
Do you remember the early personal CD players that would skip if you stepped too hard, or went downstairs, or hit a bump in the road, or just because they seemed to feel that what you wanted at that precise moment was to hear a skipping CD?

The later models didn't skip nearly as much (if at all), because of buffering. Those models would read a few seconds of music ahead of time and save it, and then play the music from memory instead of directly off the CD.

That way, if the CD skipped, it still had 15 or 20 seconds of music to play from memory before needing to read off of the CD again. This gave the CD time to get back into alignment. When it realigned, the CD player filled the buffer back up, and voila, there was no break in the music because of the skip.

No, this is not a history lesson in personal electronics. This is about buffering. If your income is based heavily on AdSense revenue, you need to be creating income buffers. Why?

AdSense has dramatically changed over the past couple of years, and the search engines that feed AdSense income have changed dramatically as well. Many people who were earning high 5 figure monthly incomes from AdSense have dropped back down to the low 4's. If they didn't have any buffers in place they were probably in trouble.

Smart Pricing can make sudden and drastic changes to your Earnings Per Click (EPC) as well, slashing your income in half, or worse. If you're one of the people who just use AdSense as extra money or to pay for your web site's costs, it's not a problem. Buf if you rely on your AdSense income, you need buffers.

The best buffer, in my opinion, is a list of names and email addresses of people who are interested in your web site's content. Even if your site stopped receiving any traffic from search engines, you could email your list and earn enough to keep your business going strong while you worked on other forms of new traffic.

It's common for sites that offer products to build a list, but content site owners often seem to think that it's not necessary for them. That somehow, because they are a content site, people don't need to be reminded of the great new article that was just posted or the latest discussion forum topics that might interest their past visitors. It's like they're thinking, "those visitors will come back because we have great content."


Some people will come back, yes, but most of us are very busy people and unless reminded we will quickly forget about your web site. Why do you think eBay and Amazon still advertise all over the place? Is there anyone on the planet who doesn't already know who they are and what they do? Not many.

But even eBay and Amazon need to remind people that they're out there. If I'm thinking that I need to buy a used riding mower for my lawn and I happen to catch an eBay commercial on my way home on the train, I might just go to eBay and see what they've got.

Or if I'm listening to an interview on the news about an author and his latest best seller, and Amazon has a commercial spot in between the news casts, I might go to Amazon to buy the book.

You have got to remind people that you are there. Have an opt-in box on every page of every web site you own. Let people give you their name and email address, and when you post a new article, let them know about it.

Or maybe once a week send out a list of the most active threads on your discussion forum. I did that with great success with one of the forums I ran. Traffic spiked every time I sent out that email. And more traffic means more AdSense clicks, which means more money for you.

Plus, the more people are reminded of your site, and the more they go back, the more it's on their mind. If it's on their mind they'll tell other people about it, which results in more traffic to your site.

Also, with a big list of people interested in your web site's topic, if you find a great product that matches the topic you can send a product offer out to your list. They'll be glad to know about the product, some will buy, and you'll earn more than just AdSense income from them. Limit the product offers or just work them into your other emails to keep your unsubscribe rates low and not annoy your list.

Your goal is to convert your visitors into users and customers, and to reach a "critical mass" of users and customers that would keep your business flowing even if your site dropped out of the search engines completely.

Like those new CD players, when your AdSense business "skips", you need a buffer. And the best business buffer is a strong list of your users and customers.
posted by Aadi
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September 17, 2006,7:40 PM
Is Google Adsense Killing Your Business?
As an SEO expert, I do site evaluations daily. It amazes me how people are willing to put Google ads all over their pages in the interest of earning a few extra bucks without considering the consequences to their business. Think about it. If you are selling a service or product, why would you allow the ads of your competitors on your site? Are you willing to sacrifice a sale for the few pennies you'll make if someone clicks on the ads? It's ok to include Google ads in some instances, even I have some ads on my site. Knowing where and when to allow google ads on your pages is key to maximizing revenue from your traffic while minimizing the chances of lost business.

Google ads are based on the content that is on your site. Because your content is about a particular product or service, the ads on your site will also be about similar products or services.

If the ads are compelling enough, people will click them and leave your site. Sure, you'll make some chump change, but how much would you have made on a sale if you hadn't given your customers a window to the competition?

Many site owners know where to put ads to get the most exposure but not where to place them for minimized risk. Places on the top of the page, side and middle are the most common areas for Google ads. An ad on the top of the page will be seen before your content. If you absolutely must place ads, at least put your content first and place the ads on the bottom. If they've already looked through your material and haven't found what they were looking for, you can still make a little revenue on their way out.

Many websites don't sell products or services, but instead rely on Google ads for revenue. For these businesses, Google ads make perfect sense. Other businesses sell products for which Google ads can still be a benefit. For instance, if a business sells a specialized product that can be found nowhere else, Google ads aren't going to be a source of competition. Perhaps you sell an aftermarket car product that you yourself manufacture. If there is nothing else like it on the market, why not allow other aftermarket manufacturer's ads on your site? Your customers won't find your product on another site, yet they might be looking for other products in addition to yours that you don't sell. Another reason to allow competing Google ads on your site is if you are certain that the products or services you are offering are a great value. If you are cheaper than the competition, and you know it, it's a boon to your business to encourage your potential customers to comparison shop. In all likelihood, they will come back to you to make a purchase and you will have made a little extra money in the process.

You are probably saying to yourself, "Joe, we can block ads we don't want on our site". My reply is..."Why have ads at all, then?". Think about this: blocking your competitor's ads will not only reduce the number of ads to display on your site, but also decrease the relevance of the remaining ads. The more urls you block the less the chance of the ads being relevant. So what's the point of having them at all? In that case, they'll serve no purpose but to clutter up your pages.

What do you think it says about your business if you are using Google ads to generate extra income? I tell you what it says to me. It says you're not selling. If you're not selling, chances are your products and services, prices or website are not up to par or your site hasn't been optimized and you have no traffic.

In general, sites that sell services or products should be pushing their own stuff and not someone else's. When did business change? Just because you can make money placing ads on your site doesn't mean it is always (or ever) in your best interest.
posted by Aadi
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September 13, 2006,3:58 PM
Some High Paying Adwords
Jelly belly $9.64

Jelly beans $12.90

Wholesale jelly belly $12.77

Jelly belly factory $12.95

Jelly belly tours $19.98

Jelly belly fairfield $17.45

Main keyword used for this search is Jelly.
posted by Aadi
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September 11, 2006,11:09 AM
How to Boost Your Ad sense Earnings with Click Fraud
Everywhere you turn there are countless tips and tricks on how to boost your Ad sense earnings. Some tips are available for free while others are sold from a few to couple thousand dollars. While most are white hat techniques there are also some sly ways to increase your Ad sense income.

While Google is serious about click fraud, there are publishers who have done it successfully. There are bots and softwares that can simulate clicks and in some countries, low paid workers are busy clicking away on profitable ads.

These people are either very smart or stupid depending on how you look at things and I will show you how one guy uses this strategy.

He works in an organization in which he has access to 19 computers all networked and hooked up to a high speed internet connection. He builds dozens of Ad sense sites, all hand built and optimized. These websites are essentially built to produce the maximum returns on his efforts.

His revenues at first were paltry and he thought about ways to increase his CTR. Most of the tips he had read about did not seem to be working and he was about to throw in the towel when he had a moment of insight. What if I click on my own ads?

A click or two on your own ads may make you money but since Google records the IP address, the chances of getting flagged are dangerously high.

He figured that if he use all 19 computers to randomly click his ads, then he stands a much better chance of making this work. So he goes about studying how Google displays their ads so that every time he clicks he is getting the top bid for the particular keyword.

Now you may be wondering is this profitable? Take a look at this scenario and decide for yourself. Each blog he builds are in niches that some Adwords bidders pay up to $54 for a single click! While he may not earn that much per click, the chances for him being credited $1 to $10 are very realistic.

Now imagine dozens of sites with the potential to make dollars a click and the picture gets clearer. If each time he clicks he earns $5 and he uses 10 of those computers to do so that’s $50 in the bag. Multiply $50 a day times 20 working days a month and that’s a cool $1000.

It’s plain to see that individuals can easily generate hundred dollars a month through click fraud. And let’s not forget that other persons may be legitimately clicking the ads which further boosts his income. While Google is increasingly vigilant against click fraud, people are finding ways to work around them.
posted by Aadi
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September 10, 2006,12:23 AM
Why do adsense ads say "Ads by Goooooogle" instead of "Ads by Google" ?

Both the "labels" were tested by google , and they found that
"Ads by Goooooogle" is often more memorable than "Ads by Google",
so you may notice either label appearing beside your ads at any given time.
Currently, link unit and adsense for search ads are labeled as
"Ads by Google".

The "Ads by Google" label helps distinguish between content and ads,
thus providing a more positive user experience. It also distinguishes Google
ads from other ads so that when visitor click on Google ads, they know they
can trust Google to provide high quality ads targeted to their interests.
posted by Aadi
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September 09, 2006,11:24 PM
Don't "Look" Like An Ad
Let's face it, people don't visit a website to click on ads. They want good content.
If you make the ads stand out with vibrant & mistmatch colors, it makes them stand out as ads. If this is the case people will do whatever they can to avoid them. The same applies to ads that are positioned at the very bottom or tucked away in a corner somewhere. So easy to ignore! If your goal is to generate more clicks, make the ads look an integral part of your content.
posted by Aadi
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,12:20 AM
Tips to increase your google adsense earnings.
Ad-Placement :
The ads on your site should be placed as such that it does not distract or annoy user.
Users generally don't like site with lot of ads. They leave the site if they get annoyed.
Make sure that ads on your site appears to be content of your site. This can be done
by using appropriate colored ad. Check out my ad placement for example.

Keywords :
Load your site with enough keywords to get targetted ads. If you don't have enough
keywords then you will get PSAs (Public Service Ads). PSAs, generally bring no money.
Very few person click on a PSA.

Content :
The most important thing about a site is its content. If the content is good, you will
get people who bookmark your page, if the content is not good, user will leave your
site within seconds. Make your site's content simple and to the point. Use content
which attracts most of users like ' making money '.
posted by Aadi
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September 08, 2006,2:47 PM
Adsense Success Tutorial
The scramble to make money from adsense is truly on. The internet is littered with information on how to make money with adsense. For those new to adsense and those who want to plunge into this business of making money with adsense, the single biggest challenge is how to scale and get over the mountain of information available and get the most helpful tips. I have searched the internet just to see what there is, but I can tell you that most of the information available on how to successfully make money with adsense is either too simplistic or unhelpful. So what should you look out for when starting an adsense campaign?

Almost certainly, running a successful and profitable adsense campaign is complex than it has been portrayed. It is not true that all you need to do is sign up for an adsense account, get some code, paste it on your pages and sit back and wait for the money to start rolling in. If that is what you thought, you are in for a long and frustrating wait. The truth is that you are not going to make any money with adsense.

To make the long story short, here are just a few of the most important things that constitute a successful adsense campaign.

• Keywords/key phrases
• Content
• Visitors (traffic)
• Site optimization.
• Links

Keywords/Key Phrases.

These are the terms that people use to search for information/products/services on the internet using search engines and directories. You need to use keywords or key phrases that will drive relevant traffic to your website. Search engines will use this plus your site’s content to determine what ads to serve on your site. This is can also play a role in the indexing and ranking of your site by some search engines. Once again use relevant keywords or key phrases.


Very important for any successful adsense campaign. When setting up any website, you want it to rank high and so attract traffic. Search engines have become smarter in their indexing and ranking of websites. They want relevant and quality search results for their users. So of necessity, for any website to rank high, it must have relevant and quality content. Some people can manipulate this but be assured such sites don’t rank highly for long. So you must have relevant and quality content. There are many sources for free and quality content on the internet.


For you to earn good money from adsense, you need traffic to your site. You can get this organically (from high ranking on search engines) or buy traffic. The former is the cheapest because it is free.

Site optimization.

This includes but not limited to proper use of titles, meta tags, keywords/key phrases, alt tags and relevant content. Avoid excessive the use of flash movies, java script, graphics and animations because search engines do not consider these. It can’t be any clearer than that. Follow that cue and you should be alright.


Some search engines put a great deal of weight on the number of relevant links pointing to your site, the more, the better. Notice I said relevant links. So do yourself one big favour and I know for new websites it is not easy, find sites to link to you. Search engines consider more relevant incoming links to mean that your site is full of relevant content and that is why sites want to link to yours, naturally this is true. Here is what Google™ says, “PageRank relies on the uniquely democratic nature of the web by using its vast link structure as an indicator of an individual page's value. In essence, Google interprets a link from page A to page B as a vote, by page A, for page B. But, Google looks at more than the sheer volume of votes, or links a page receives; it also analyzes the page that casts the vote. Votes cast by pages that are themselves "important" weigh more heavily and help to make other pages "important."
posted by Aadi
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,12:21 AM
How to make millions with adsense ?
This is how you can make millions too.

You have to create sites that will bring in repeat traffic.

Have your users create content and lots of it. User reviews of night
clubs, Resorts, golf courses etc.

Build your site around your users and make them part of your site,
don't build your site for consumption.

Do not enter markets with a lot of competition monitized via adsense.
Try and undercut paid content markets by offering a free service, or
better yet create your own market.

Keep your site dead simple, it has to load fast and have no more then
two ads and one or two pictures other then your logo.

Do not confuse your user, give them what they want and give it to
them fast.
posted by Aadi
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September 07, 2006,3:20 PM
The Pros And Cons Of Using Google Adsense For Extra Income!
I have been using the Google Adsense Program to generate extra income online for some time now. I have gained a lot of experience from using the program. I feel it’s become necessary to share the pros and cons of the program with those that may be considering using it in this article. But first, I need to explain a bit what the program is.

What is Google Adsense?

Google Adsense is an affiliate marketing program. In Google Adsense, Google act as the intermediary between the affiliates and the merchants. The merchant, or the advertiser, would simply sign up with Google and provide the latter with text ads pertaining to their products. These ads, which is actually a link to the advertiser’s website, would then appear on Google searches as well as on the websites owned by the affiliates, or by those webmasters who have signed up with the Google Adsense program.

In Google Adsense, all the webmaster has to do is place a code on his website and Google takes care of the rest. The ads that Google would place on your site would generally be relevant to the content of your site. This would be advantageous both for you and for the advertiser, as the visitors of your site would more or less be actually interested with the products being advertised.

The Google Adsense program compensates the affiliate in a pay-per-click basis. The advertisers would pay Google a certain amount each time their ad on your site is clicked and Google would then forward this amount to you through checks, although only after Google have deducted their share of the amount. Google Adsense checks are usually delivered monthly if you earning reaches $100.00. Also, the Google Adsense program provides webmasters with a tracking tool that allows them to monitor the earnings they actually get from a certain ad.

Now that you understand what Google Adsense is, here are the pros:

1. They are great for webmasters creating content websites. It used to be these webmasters worried about how to cover the expenses of running their websites. With Google Adsense, these worries became a thing of the past. All they have to do now is write their content and add adsense to it and make money.

2. Google Adsense makes the internet better for the users. Webmasters can now concentrate on publishing quality content. Quality content makes the internet better for the users.

3. Once a webmaster creates quality content, it can generate income for years to come. All the webmaster has to do is update the content from time to time and the income will keep coming in.

4. If a webmaster has the time, the webmaster can publish multiple websites. You can use one Google Adsense account on multiple websites. You don’t have to go through the hassle of applying for another account with Google.

Below are the cons of the Google Adsense program:

1. The Adsense account can be closed by Google at any time. There are horror stories of webmasters waking up and seeing their account closed. They all of a sudden lose their source of income.

Usually, one of the reasons that makes Google close an account is click fraud. The problem is that the click fraud my not be committed by the webmaster.

2. The Google Adsense program does not provide residual income. So, you can’t continue to reap the reward of your hard work over and over as you do with residual income programs.

3. Most content websites depend on search engines for traffic. When the search engines shuffle their ranking algorithms, the traffic may drop. This drop will result in less traffic and income.

4. Creating content can be hard work. You’ll need to keep adding content to keep your website interesting. Without this, you visitors may dry up, which will decrease your income.

There you have it! You now know the pros and cons of the Google Adsense program. It’s up to you to decide if you want to use it to earn extra income

posted by Aadi
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September 06, 2006,10:48 AM
How Not To Scare People Away From Your Adsense Ads

I was browsing through a collection of blogs and various websites this weekend. I noticed one thing in common about all of them... Number one being that they crammed their adsense ads right next to a paragraph or post. It was almost like they were trying to force the reader to see the ad. Now you might ask what's wrong with a little extra visibility?, Well nothings wrong with it, but there are more effective ways of accomplishing that. Place the ad on the side-panel of your website or blog. Let the reader come to your adsense ad on their own. Trust me, they will come if the title cathches their eye. No one likes to be forced to see or click an ad. Another good place to put your ad is at the end of posts, and at the very top of your page. These places are all reader friendly. Remember your getting paid for a click, not for a sale! Make it easy for your readers to click.
posted by Aadi
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September 05, 2006,1:43 PM
Blue is the Best!!!!!
So you got rid of the border. You want to get your ads the same color as the text on the rest of your page and the background matching the the background color of your web page. What about the link itself?, the line the user is actually going to click. What color should that be? Thats an easy one: blue. It used to be that all text in the ad should match the text on your page, includeing the link. After seeing an article about the benefits of keeping the links blue, thats not the case anymore. The logic is that users have come to expect links on websites to be blue. This means people are more likely to click on a blue link than a link any other color.The line in yourAdSense code that sets the color of your link is the one that says:

Google_color_link = "#color";

"#color" is the hexadecimal number for the color you want to use. You should make sure that number is #0000f. Keep your link blue and you can esxperince an increase in click-throughsas high as 25 precent!
posted by Aadi
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,12:22 AM
Get revenue from your site with google adsense
Your site deserves better ads
Google AdSense is for web publishers like you who want to make more revenue
from advertising, while maintaining editorial quality. Today, many publishers must
choose between unsold inventory and untargeted banner ads. Google AdSense
improves this situation by delivering text-based Google AdWords™ ads that are
relevant to what your readers see on your pages.
Maximize your revenue
Google will pay you for serving AdWords ads on your website pages. And with our
customized revenue terms and no upfront investment it’s easier than ever to
maximize your advertising revenue.
Run ads that will interest your users
Google AdSense delivers dynamically generated ads targeted to the content of your
pages. As always, Google ads are easy to read, easy to implement and text-based
never pop-ups or unsolicited displays. And since ads are also targeted by country,
global businesses can display local advertising with no additional effort.
Customize the appearance of ads
You spend lots of time perfecting the look and feel of your website. Use Google
AdSense to customize the color of ads so that they complement your site. Choose
from dozens of pre-set color palettes, or create and save your own using a simple
point-and-click color selection tool. You can even randomly rotate up to four different
ad color palettes. Ads you run maintain a fresh look, and users will notice and click on
the ones that interest them.
posted by Aadi
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September 04, 2006,11:19 AM
Using Colors To Increase Your Clicks
If your using AdSense, be picky in the selection of fonts, font size, colors, images, tables, and other visual aspects of your website. Draw subtle attention to your AdSense units. Make them stars of the your show! As a start get rid of the border, you can double your click-through's with this one simple tweak. Before the internet, ads in newspapers and magazines were marked off with a thick, heavy border. No wonder borders and boxes have come to symbolize advertising messages.
Ads with prominent borders make your pages look cluttered. They distract the eye from the ad text, while making off the ad blocks from the rest of the content. With just one simple click , you can match the color of your ad's with the background color of your web page. When the border blends with the background, it frees up lots of space. The page looks instantly neater and the ads look more inviting.
posted by Aadi
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September 03, 2006,2:54 PM
The Google Adsense-Adwords Automatic Money Machine
Have you ever tried to make money through affiliate programs using Google Adwords?

Then you know it's not easy. Some say that only 2-3 out of 10 affiliate Adwords campaigns will actually make a profit.

But what if you could get your Adwords campaigns for free, or even make a little profit from using Adwords for promoting affiliate programs.

Actually you can get your Adwords campaigns for free if you combine your Adwords campaigns with Google Adsense.

With Google Adsense you place small ads on your own web-page, hoping that people will click on these ads. When someone clicks on a Google ad on your web-site, you make money.

The normal approach to making money with Google Adsense is to have thousands of pages with Google ads, but you can successfully make money with Google Adsense with just one page.

That's right - one page!

1. Step
All you have to do is find niches, where people pay several dollars to get the top position in the Google ads. You can use Overture's bidtool to find high priced niche keywords.

2. Step
Next step is to build your one-page Google Adsense money machine. Find a free article in one of the article directories and set up a page with your keyword targeted article and three Adsense ad blocks. Use small Adsense blocks, that only shows the top three high priced ads.

3. Step
Last step is to set up a Google Adwords campaign with that niche keyword (and related keywords) - but you only bid 5 cents!

Now sit back and watch the magic. People click on your 5-cent ad and come to your one-page-Adsense website. They read your article - and some of them will click on the high priced ads on your page. Bingo! - you've made a small profit.

Nothing much, maybe a one dollar profit a day. My first Google Adsense 'Money Machine' is generating a profit of 2-3 dollars a day - that's at least $730 a year for just one page.

Want to make more money with your one-page-money-machine?

Find an affiliate program in that niche, and put your affiliate link on the page. Some of your visitors will click the Google ads and some will click on your affiliate link. What ever they do, you win!

Now you've got your Google Adwords campaign for free or you're even making a small profit with your Google Adwords-Adsense money machine. At the same time you're marketing your niche affiliate program.

Final advice
Don't use this technique in the 'Internet Marketing' market place - it's much to crowded. Use your imagination and find niches like laser hair removal, wheel chairs, cell phone, homeowners loan etc.

Take action - and go find some money making niche keyword
posted by Aadi
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September 02, 2006,3:08 PM
Don't "Look" Like An Ad
Let's face it, people don't visit a website to click on ads. They want good content.If you make the ads stand out with vibrant & mistmatch colors, it makes them stand out as ads. If this is the case people will do whatever they can to avoid them. The same applies to ads that are positioned at the very bottom or tucked away in a corner somewhere. So easy to ignore! If your goal is to generate more clicks, make the ads look an integral part of your content.
posted by Aadi
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September 01, 2006,6:00 PM
Hey guys just started to blog in just want you all that Google Adsense rocks i have earned hell lots of money from it why dont you try it out its very simple go to register there and then they will guide you further so tommorow onwards my posting for tips and tricks for google adsense for making money will start would like a few comments and opinion too. So be ready for my usefull posts everyday
posted by Aadi
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