September 06, 2006,10:48 AM
How Not To Scare People Away From Your Adsense Ads

I was browsing through a collection of blogs and various websites this weekend. I noticed one thing in common about all of them... Number one being that they crammed their adsense ads right next to a paragraph or post. It was almost like they were trying to force the reader to see the ad. Now you might ask what's wrong with a little extra visibility?, Well nothings wrong with it, but there are more effective ways of accomplishing that. Place the ad on the side-panel of your website or blog. Let the reader come to your adsense ad on their own. Trust me, they will come if the title cathches their eye. No one likes to be forced to see or click an ad. Another good place to put your ad is at the end of posts, and at the very top of your page. These places are all reader friendly. Remember your getting paid for a click, not for a sale! Make it easy for your readers to click.
posted by Aadi
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