February 17, 2007,12:59 PM
If you are on the lookout for a loan, you may notice that you find several 'good' offers. Many loan companies offer excellent interest rates as well as borrow now and pay later offers and both attract many new customers. However, are things really how they seem to be or are there hidden disadvantages that these loan companies just aren't showing us?

Unfortunately a lot of the time a 'good' deal is not really as good as it sounds. It may look good on the outside – after all who wouldn't want lower interest rates and easy money there and then without paying a penny? It sounds unbelievable and a lot of the time it is too good to be true, you just have to know what to look out for. Read the news, loan articles and other information.

For example, if a loan company offers lower interest rates, often it is only for a limited period. They may offer a significant difference compared to other companies but then when you look at the terms and conditions it usually says 'for a limited time only' or something along those lines. So, always read the terms and conditions otherwise you could end up actually paying more than you originally thought you would. Loan companies are clever that way and many people do fall for it. It is all about clever advertising, and personal loan companies certainly know how to use it to their advantage.

So, the lesson is to read through the agreement and terms thoroughly before agreeing to anything. Often if something sounds too good to be true it usually is!
posted by Aadi
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