Whilst you may not think that it is particularly important, when you receive a new
credit card it is essential that you get rid of the older card properly. This is particularly true if you are just getting an updated version of the old one, as the new card will still have all of the same details on it.
So many people simply chuck away their
credit cards without thinking and that leaves it wide open for fraudsters to steal your details. It may be hard for you to imagine but there are people who go around at night looking for bin bags and as soon as nobody is looking, they go through them trying to get
personal articles, financial details of people. If documents and credit cards are not shredded, it is all too easy for fraudsters to use those details for their own benefits. Even if you are the victim of fraud and the company pays off any debt that the person has accumulated, it still goes on your record. So, it always pays to be extra careful with older credit cards.
There are especially designed shredders which shred
credit cards and that is definitely the best way of getting rid of your old cards so purchase one today if you haven’t already got one.